Heidi Harley
in Artemis Alexiadou and Tibor Kiss, eds, Syntax, Theory and Analysis: An International Handbook, Vol II, 1128-1154
Publication year: 2015

In this article, I first briefly exemplify a number of morphological phenomena which have syntactic repercussions, to illustrate the range of issues investigators confront. I then sketch a variety of grammatical architectures and their general approach to the interaction between morphology and syntax, paying attention to what empirical territory is considered the domain of independent morphological processes vs. the domain of properly syntactic processes in each. Finally, I provide a more in-depth look at the theory of the morphosyntactic interface with which I am most familiar, Distributed Morphology, and briefly describe specific problems associated with syntacticocentric approaches to derivational morphology at the interface.

The editors of this volume, Alexiadou and Kiss, deserve much credit for ensuring that this article appeared at all; I thank them very much for the considerable effort they put into seeing it through to publication.