Haugen, Jason, Santos Leyva, Maria Leyva, Mercedes Tubino and Heidi Harley
In Inside Dazzling Mountains: Contemporary. Translations of Southwest Native Verbal Arts, edited by David Kozak, p. 277-298. Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press.
Publication year: 2012

The story presented here was the third and final installment of a series of narratives involving the adventures of Wo’i Wakila (‘Skinny Coyote’) and Taavu (‘Bunny’), which were collected for the Tribe’s archive of folktales, and published in the newsletter to present some of this traditional folklore to the members of the tribe. This version of the story first appeared in the Yaqui Times volume 6, number 8, in August of 2005. It was told by Santos Leyva Alvarez and transcribed and translated by Maria Florez Leyva. The version presented here has added a new morphological analysis of the Hiaki words, a literal translation of the Hiaki sentences, and a Spanish free translation of the whole story, to supplement the English free translation. The story is prefaced with an introduction which discusses some of the linguistic features of  the narrative.