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Relative nominals and event nominals in Hiaki

Heidi Harley (2020)
Harley, Heidi. (2020) Relative nominals and event nominals in Hiaki. In A. Alexiadou and H. Borer (eds) Nominalizations: 50 years on from Chomsky’s Remarks, Oxford University Press, pp. 203-230
Book ChaptersHiaki

Work-family balance in academia

Lauren Hall-Lew, Heidi Harley (2019)
Hall-Lew, Lauren and Heidi Harley. 2020. Work-family balance in academia. In The Academic’s Handbook (4th edition), Ed. by Lori Flores and Jocelyn Olcott. Duke University Press.
Book Chapters

Patterns and variation in Hiaki adjectival inflection.

Alex Trueman, H. Harley, Maria Florez Leyva and Santos Leyva (2019)
Trueman, Alex, H. Harley, Maria Florez Leyva and Santos Leyva. 2019. Patterns and variation in Hiaki adjectival inflection. In Estudios en lenguas amerindias 4, edited by Albert Alvarez Gonzaléz, Zarina Estrada Fernández, Manuel Peregrina Llanes and Mercedes Tubino, pp 338-374. Hermosillo, Mexico: Universidad de Sonora Publicaciones.
Book ChaptersHiaki

Are verbs ‘verbable’ in Hiaki? The Hiaki ability passive.

Noah Nelson, Heidi Harley, Maria Florez Leyva, Santos Leyva (2019)
Nelson, Noah, Heidi Harley, Maria Florez Leyva and Santos Leyva. 2019. Are verbs ‘verbable’ in Hiaki? The Hiaki ability passive. In Estudios en lenguas amerindias 4, edited by Albert Alvarez Gonzaléz, Zarina Estrada Fernández, Manuel Peregrina Llanes and Mercedes Tubino, pp 211-258. Hermosillo, Mexico: Universidad de Sonora Publicaciones.
Book ChaptersHiaki

The "bundling" hypothesis and the disparate functions of little v

Heidi Harley (2017)
In Roberta D'Alessandro, Irene Franco and Angél J. Gallego (eds), The Verbal Domain, pp. 3-28. Oxford: OUP.
Book Chapters

Suppletion is Local: Evidence from Hiaki

Jonathan Bobaljik, Heidi Harley (2017)
To appear in The structure of words at the interfaces, edited by Heather Newell, Maíre Noonan, Glynne Piggot, and Lisa Travis. Oxford: OUP.
Book ChaptersHiakiManuscripts


Heidi Harley, Shigeru Miyagawa (2017)
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Ed. Retrieved 21 Aug. 2018, from
Book ChaptersManuscriptsSurvey Articles

Locality Conditions on Suppletive Verbs in Hiaki

Heidi Harley, Mercedes Tubino, Jason D. Haugen (2016)
To appear in The morphosyntax-phonology connection: Locality and directionality at the interface, edited by Vera Gribanova and Stephanie Shih. Oxford: OUP.
Book ChaptersHiakiManuscripts

Lexical Category and the Distribution of Word-final Vowels in Hiaki

Jianrong Yu, Adam King, Maria Flores Leyva, Santos Leyva, Heidi Harley (2016)
To appear in Proceedings of 21st meeting of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, UQAM, Montreal, April 1-3, 2016, UBCWPL
Book ChaptersHiakiManuscriptsProceedings PapersWorking Papers

Implementing Orthography

Alex Trueman, Louise St. Amour, Heidi Harley (2016)
To appear in 21st meeting of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas, UQAM, Montreal, April 1-3, 2016., UBCWPL
Book ChaptersHiakiManuscriptsProceedings PapersWorking Papers

Against deficiency-based typologies: Manner-alternation parameters in Italian and English. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 10: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 28, Lisbon,

Raffaella Folli, Heidi Harley (2016)
In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 10: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 28, Lisbon, ed by Ernestina Carrilho, Alexandra Fléis, Maria Lobo, and Sandra Pereira, 103-120. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Book Chapters

The syntax/morphology interface

Heidi Harley (2015)
in Artemis Alexiadou and Tibor Kiss, eds, Syntax, Theory and Analysis: An International Handbook, Vol II, 1128-1154
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

Sobre la opcionalidad del Causado en las causativas indirectas en yaqui

Mercedes Tubino, Heidi Harley (2014)
In Lenguas yutoaztecas, Acercamiento a su diversidad lingüística, Karen Dakin y José Luis Moctezuma, coordinadores. México: Seminario de Lenguas Indígenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Serie: Estudios sobre lenguas americanas 8. p 59-84. ISBN 978-607-02-5964-7.
Book ChaptersHiakiProceedings Papers

Impersonal agreement in a non-agreement language: The Hiaki impersonal construction.

Eloise Jelinek, Heidi Harley (2014)
In A. Carnie and H. Harley (eds.) Pronouns, presuppositions and hierarchies: The work of Eloise Jelinek in context. 375-388. New York: Routledge
Book ChaptersHiaki

Eliminating causative entailments with the force-theoretic framework: The case of the Tohono O’odham frustrative cem.

Bridget Copley, Heidi Harley (2014)
In Causation in language, Bridget Copley and Fabienne Martin (eds), Oxford: OUP. 120-151
Book Chapters

Affixal light verbs and complex predicates in Hiaki

Mercedes Tubino Blanco, Heidi Harley, Jason D. Haugen (2014)
In Current issues in complex predicate research, edited by Hideki Kishimoto and Yoko Yumuto. 257-290. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo.
Book ChaptersHiaki

The ‘No Agent Idioms’ hypothesis

Heid Harley, Megan Schildmier Stone (2013)
In R. Folli, C. Sevdali and R. Truswell, eds., Syntax and its limits. pp 251-273 Oxford: OUP
Book Chapters

Head-marking inflection and the architecture of grammatical theory: Evidence from reduplication and compounding in Hiaki (Yaqui)

Jason D. Haugen, Heidi Harley (2013)
In A. Fountain, M. Miyashita, D. Cole and S. Bischoff, (eds), The persistence of language: Constructing and confronting the past and present in the voices of Jane H. Hill. pp 133-174 Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Book ChaptersHiaki

Getting morphemes in order: Merger, Affixation and Head-movement

Heidi Harley (2013)
In Diagnosing Syntax, Lisa Cheng and Norbert Corver (eds), Oxford: OUP. pp. 44-74
Book Chapters

Diagnosing head movement

Heidi Harley (2013)
In Diagnosing Syntax, Lisa Cheng and Norbert Cover (eds), Oxford: OUP, Chapter 6.
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

Cycles, Vocabulary Items and Stem forms in Hiaki

Heidi Harley, Mercedes Tubino Blanco (2013)
In O. Matushansky and A. Marantz, eds., Distributed Morphology Today. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 117-134
Book ChaptersHiaki

Wo'i Wakila / Skinny Coyote—A Hiaki (Yaqui) Narrative

Haugen, Jason, Santos Leyva, Maria Leyva, Mercedes Tubino and Heidi Harley (2012)
In Inside Dazzling Mountains: Contemporary. Translations of Southwest Native Verbal Arts, edited by David Kozak, p. 277-298. Lincoln: The University of Nebraska Press.
Book ChaptersHiaki

Semantics in Distributed Morphology

Heidi Harley (2012)
In Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, Volume 3. C. Maienborn, K. von Heusinger and P. Portner, eds., pp 2151-2172. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

Lexical decomposition in modern generative grammar

Heidi Harley (2012)
In Handbook of Compositionality, edited by Wolfram Hinzen, Markus Werning and Edouard Machery, p. 328-350. Oxford: OUP.
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

Affixation and the Mirror Principle

Heidi Harley (2011)
In Interfaces in Linguistics, ed. by Raffaella Folli and Christiane Ullbricht, 166-186. Oxford: OUP
Book Chapters

Thematic roles

Heidi Harley (2010)
In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, Patrick Hogan, ed. pp. 861-862. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

Dos tipos de base verbal en Hiaki (yaqui)

Mercedes Tubino Blanco, Heidi Harley (2010)
In Análisi lingüístico: enfoques sincrónico, diacrónico e interdisciplinario, ed. by Rosa María Ortiz Ciscomani, p. 97-128. Editorial Unison, Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
Book ChaptersHiaki

A Minimalist Approach to Argument Structure

Heidi Harley (2010)
In C. Boeckx, (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, 426-447. Oxford: OUP Press.
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

The syntax of hybrid verb/affix lexemes and clause fusion in Hiaki (Yaqui)

Mercedes Tubino Blanco, Heidi Harley, Jason Haugen (2009)
In L. Lanz, A Franklin, J Hoecker, E Gentry Brunner, M Morrison, and C Pace, editors, Rice Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 1, pp. 79-91
HiakiProceedings PapersWorking Papers

The morphology of nominalizations and the syntax of vP

Heidi Harley (2009)
In: Quantification, Definiteness and Nominalization, edited by Monika Rathert and Anastasia Giannadikou. Oxford: OUP, pp. 320-342.
Book Chapters

Compounding in Distributed Morphology

Heidi Harley (2009)
In: Oxford Handbook of Compounding, edited by Rochelle Lieber and Pavel Stekauer. Oxford: OUP, pp. 129-144.
Book Chapters

Applicative constructions and suppletive verbs in Hiaki (Yaqui)

Mercedes Tubino Blanco, Heidi Harley, Jason Haugen, (2009)
In L. Lanz, A Franklin, J Hoecker, E Gentry Brunner, M Morrison, and C Pace, editors, Rice Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 1, pp. 42-51
HiakiProceedings PapersWorking Papers

When is a syncretism more than a syncretism? Impoverishment, metasyncretism, and underspecification

Heidi Harley (2008)
in Phi Theory: Phi-features across modules and interfaces, edited by David Adger, Susana Bejar and Daniel Harbour. Oxford: OUP. 251-294.
Book Chapters

The bipartite structure of verbs cross-linguistically, or, Why Mary can't exhibit John her paintings.

Heidi Harley (2008)
In Conferências do V Congresso Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística, ed. by. Thaïs Cristófaro Silva and Heliana Mello. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: ABRALIN and FALE/UFMG, pp 45-84.
Book Chapters

On the causative construction

Heidi Harley (2008)
In Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, edited by Shigeru Miyagawa and Mamoru Saito. pp. 20-53, Oxford: OUP.
Book ChaptersSurvey Articles

What language says about the psychology of events

Raffaella Folli, Heidi Harley (2006)
Trends in Cognitive Science, 10.3, 91-92
Journal PublicationsSurvey Articles

Benefactives aren’t Goals in Italian

Raffaella Folli, Heidi Harley (2006)
In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2004, ed. by Jenny Doetjes and Paz Gonzales, pp. 121–142, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Book Chapters

One-replacement, unaccusativity, acategorial roots, and Bare Phrase Structure

Heidi Harley (2005)
In Harvard Working Papers on Linguistics 11, ed by Slava Gorbachov and Andrew Nevins, pp. 59-78
Book ChaptersWorking Papers

How do verbs get their names? Denominal verbs, Manner Incorporation and the ontology of verb roots in English

Heidi Harley (2005)
in Nomi Erteschik-Shir and Tova Rapoport, eds., The Syntax of Aspect, 42-64. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Book Chapters

Flavors of v: Consuming results in Italian and English

Raffaella Folli, Heidi Harley (2004)
in Roumyana Slabakova and Paula Kempchinsky, eds., Aspectual Inquiries, 95-120. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Book Chapters

Structuring the bundle: A universal morphosyntactic feature geometry

Heidi Harley, Elizabeth Ritter (2002)
in H. Weise and H. Simon, eds,
Book Chapters

Recollections of Kenneth L. Hale

Eloise Jelinek, Heidi Harley (2002)
Linguistic Typology 6.2, 140-142.
Journal PublicationsSurvey Articles

VSO Order as Raising to Comp

Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley and Elizabeth Pyatt (2000)
in A. Carnie and E. Guilfoyle, eds., The Syntax of Verb-Initial Languages, pp, 39-60 Oxford University Press
Book Chapters

Licensing in the non-lexicalist lexicon

Heidi Harley, Rolf Noyer (2000)
in Bert Peeters, ed., The Lexicon/Encyclopaedia Interface, 349-374, Amsterdam:Elsevier Press.
Book Chapters

State-of-the-article: Distributed Morphology

Heidi Harley, Rolf Noyer (1999)
Glot International, 4.4, 3-8
Survey Articles

You're having me on: Aspects of have

Heidi Harley (1998)
in J. Guéron and A. Zribi-Hertz, eds., La grammaire de la possession, pp. 195-226. Paris: Université Paris X - Nanterre.
Book Chapters

PRO, the EPP and Nominative Case: Evidence from Irish Infinitivals

Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley (1997)
in University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 4.3 (1997) pp 71-86
Proceedings PapersWorking Papers

Hug a tree: Deriving the morphosyntactic feature hierarchy

Heidi Harley (1994)
In MITWPL 21, Papers on Phonology and Morphology, ed. by Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley and Tony Bures, pp. 289-320
Working Papers